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This Concept Map has information related to: Zoom-Poisoning by Scorpion-Sting Black-Widow-Spider-Bites, Scorpion Sting symptom for adults Not dangerous; Numbness/pain may last for weeks, Black Widow & Spider Bites treatment For black widow spider bite:- give Aspirin, and consult doctor; Injection of 10% calcium gluconate (10 ml) to be injected intravenously very slowly over a 10 minute period for reducing muscular spasms, Diazepam is also helpful; treat for Allergic Shock in case signs of shock develop; Injections of Cortisone may be needed for children, Black Widow & Spider Bites symptom Most of the spider bites are painful but not dangerous; Black Widow spider bites make adults very ill whereas for children can be dngerous; Black widow bite often causes extreme pain in the stomach muscles like Appendicitis does, Scorpion Sting treatment * For Adults:- take Aspirin, put ice on sting, hot compress for numbness /pain; * For Children:- inject available scorpion antitoxin within 2 hours of getting stung, give Aspirin or Acetaminophen for pain, if child stops breathing, use mouth-to-mouth breathing; consult doctor soon, Poisoning by Scorpion Sting, Scorpion Sting symptom for child Dangerous for children under 5 years if the sting on head or body, Poisoning by Black Widow & Spider Bites
Health Care Concepts
Health Care Concept Zoom
Zoom-Poisoning by Scorpion-Sting Black-Widow-Spider-Bites
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CMap for Burns Broken-Bones-Dislocations Strains & Sprains Poisoning Snakebite Scorpion-Sting Spider-Bites Moving-Badly-Injured